Anna-Nicole's Christmas List

Aside for my passion for running and writing about it, my family is my true passion and nothing brings that out like Christmas.
In 2001, I wrote and illustrated a book for my daughter, "Anna-Nicole's Christmas List." It was a very personal gift that she liked at the time and I hope that each year she looks forward to pulling it out of the Christmas decorations box just like I do.
Ironically, this was within the first year of my discovery of running, and even back then, running made it's way into my writing...although I referred to the shoes she wanted as tennis shoes. I don't use those words just like I don't care for the word, "jogging."
Hope you enjoy the book narrated by a Anna-Nicole when she was six. She's now 16 and a Jr. in High School and I think she still believes in the message from the book. One of my "bucket list" items is to publish this book perhaps along with "Seeking Boston Marathon."
Written simply and tastefully. It’s pleasant to read. Thank u.