Peter Pan Workout
For every great run or "medal" race, there are a hundred ugly workouts. I had yet another ugly gauntlet of "work that interferes with running" back-to-back work weeks. I keep waiting for that Nike or Asics sponsorship to retire from the corporate world, but just like "Rudy" my mailbox is empty.
Last week, I had three (literal) twenty hour work days in Philadelphia followed by a flight home to visit the ortho. No...I'm not a "Woody Allen" hypochodriac, but a giant bruise around a history of a stress fracture lead to a visit to the bone Dr. Green light..."don't be a pussy, rub some cream on it, and get your ass back out there was basically what I heard." (verbatim) So the week ended good.
This week was a trip to the opposite coast in California. Imagine a pre-scheduled "ass chewing," and you still booked the flight, to show up and take it. "Thank you sir, may I have another!" Not that I'm complaining.

The "tweak" in my back prior to my last race had turned into a knot the size of an walnut. The walnut turned into an apricot by Tuesday. Not enough Ibuprofen in my briefcase to knock that knot out. I was lusting after the emergency Vicodin in my medicince cabinet at home. No, I'm not Brett Farve, but this was some serious pain.
Once in the bay area, I figured a swim might "loosen up" the apricot so I plotted a workout at the local 24 hour fitness with a one mile swim. Good swim, but the apicot was not going away.
I pumped a combination of Ibuprofen and Tylenol with little relief. It did not help that I spent the day in meetings sitting in chairs. The apricot was growing into a "flank steak"...larger...covering more mass. I was daydreaming about my chiropractor back home who could tweak this back into a happy place. This brings me to the decision of "do I work out, to work it out" or "do I rest this knotty thing?" I'm an "Alpha Male" so you know the answer. I couldn't rise out of a chair without wincing earlier in the day, so why not go out for a goal pace or tempo run? #moron #bullheaded
Okay, "I'm gonna do this," I told myself. I have a Nike bag in my suitcase that always has my swim stuff, and my routine is to always pack what I need for running. Shoes? Check! Shirts? Two, check! Garmin(s)? Check! Socks? Check? Running shorts?....running shorts?...shorts? Forgot them. #WTF I'm determined to make this run happen so I pull out my "Dolphin" swim shorts and combine with a singlet to head out for a run. Good thing I'm in San Francisco because I looked like "Peter Pan" in this outfit. "You think I got where I am today, dressing like Peter Pan here?" (Rex Kwan Do)
This rivals the time I forgot running socks and ran in my black dress socks (nerdville USA.)
I pretended I was wearing compression shorts or I was a triathlete and went about my run. First mile was painful as the apricot/flank steak was twitching like crazy. I picked up the pace and moved towards sub seven minute pace in my "Peter Pan" outfit. "No pain, no gain," should be "No shame, plenty of pain, questionable gain" as I got 'er done.
It's now Wednesday morning as I write this and I'm still out of town and feeling still feeling knotty. Please God, give me a seat on an earlier flight and pray that my chiro has an opening today. Peter Pan needs some "pixie dust."
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