I'll Be Your Coach Karlie

As runners we are presented with a precious gift and that's to lace up shoes every day, walk out the door, and explore the world around us with our own two feet.

Runner's World sent an email out this morning about a supermodel, Karlie Kloss who is certainly built like a runner (even though she doesn't think so...think VERY long supermodel legs) but detests running as she posted on her Instagram.

Runner's World has done their part by putting together a Catwalk to 10K(#CatwalkTo10K) training plan (HERE.)

I consider it my philanthropic duty to offer up my coaching services to Karlie at no charge (especially since it appears that she's starting her training in Paris.) I feel I am overqualified for this important position because I;

1) LOVE running and am convinced I can make you love it too.
2) I love running in Paris too.
3) Like yourself, I loathed running and actually made fun of runners in high school, so I can relate.
4) I have matching running tights.
5) With my training you can occasionally "splurge" on food, drink beer, and still maintain your supermodel figure.

To answer your Instagram question you posed on my first day of running, "What inspires, motivates, or challenges you?" Challenges inspire me! One small goal at a time which has never been stronger as I've battled back from serious injury to racing in my fifth Boston Marathon next month. I'll await your tweet, Facebook page comment, Instagram Direct Message, or blog comment below to begin your coaching.


  1. I just wrote a post about finding the right coach, so maybe you could link me to her...and I'll make sure she links to you! :)

  2. This is why I hate Runner's World. They get "fitness models" who look good in tights and don't even run or like running…we only get T&F News anymore. They talk about real runners...

  3. This is why I hate and will never buy Runner's World..they use fitness models who don't even like running. Lame. We only buy T&F News as they profile real runners..


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